Heather Cole Photography was a joint effort between Baldology and Seven Places Productions.
This site uses an integrated WordPress backend as it’s content management system. Custom design, rotation script, custom Flash integration, AJAX commenting, PHP includes and separated xHTML & CSS make this site highly customizable and easily maintainable.
Design: Dustin Steller, Baldology & Five Loaves Creative
Development: Jamon Abercrombie
Client: Heather Cole Photography
Hi! I was looking for Baldology and could not locate them. I found another website and posted a message, but thought I should go ahead and leave another message for you too! Anyway, I love Heather Cole’s site and would be interested in prices for creating a similar blog site with a gallery. We have a bludomain site now–you can check it out and leave me an E-mail. We do not have a blog yet–so we want to create one soon and will probably abandon the website and just go with the blog and flash gallery. 🙂