WEB: First Baptist Church | O’Fallon

First Baptist Church | O’Fallon (www.firstofallon.com, formerly www.fbcoministry.org) is coming off a multi-year run of using a template-driven, non-SEO friendly, large ID strings in the links site that had table-based, invalid, depricated code.

We updated their look with a custom graphical user interface (GUI), an integrated content management system using WordPress as its engine, custom programming to rotate or switch custom header images based on ministry section, programming to pull specific side navigation elements based on page viewed, custom SlideShowPro integration for event listings on homepage, custom news scroller sitewide that pulls feed from certain category, new podcasting and vidcasting options and multiple custom contact or registration forms.

The mission of First Baptist Church | O’Fallon is to lead people to faith in Christ and growth in Christ-likeness. We believe Jesus Christ desires a personal relationship with each person on earth – including you! First Baptist Church | O’Fallon simply wants to help lead you in a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Design: Jamon Abercrombie
Development: Jamon Abercrombie
Client: First Baptist Church | O’Fallon

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