KEY Magazine Online was actually a site that used to be called KEY Colleges. This site came to PlattForm through the acquisition of another company in 2005, and quickly (too quickly) overhauled the existing site to the “before” view that you see here.
It was “too quickly” b/c though there was a lot of thought put into the site, it still wasn’t enough, the thought process didn’t go deep enough, and didn’t involve all the right people (you’ve never seen that). It basically was developed in an old-school way where each page was a physical page on the server and all maintenance was manual … and tedious!
In 2007, KEY Magazine got some much deserved attention, and we’ve rehauled the site to include a content management system based through WordPress, RSS capabilities, dynamic content placement and a ton of “sticky” elements. We’ve added games and quizzes and polls, and an online magazine issue section to match its magazine distribution.
Design: Ryan Dale & Jodi Augustine (PlattForm Advertising)
Development: Jamon Abercrombie
Client (PlattForm): KEY Magazine